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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Gothic Treasures PTU

Kit: Gothic Treasure by Hania's Design you can purchase the kit here.
Thank you for allowing me to use this amazing kit.
Tube: By Barbara Jensen, this is a bonus tube and may not be available
but Barb has so many wonderful tubes that could be used to create a similar looking tag.
You can purchase Barbs tubes here.
Template: by Missy, template 412, you can get it here.
Mask: by Vix, mask 404, you can download here.
Font: Zombie Holocaust, download here.
SA=Select All
SN=Select None
NL=New layer
C/P=Copy & Paste
Drop shadow=3,3,35,5
Open your tube, template and mask in psp, select the layers in your tube to want use (I used mostly black layers) and copy merged and paste as a new image, close the original. Duplicate the template and close the original, delete the credits, raster 2 and copy of raster 2 layers.
In your template select the background layer, unhide and add a new raster layer, sa, c/p paper 05 into selections, sn, apply your mask layer andmerge group.
Select Rec shape right layer, sa,f,df,nl, c/p paper 06 into selections, sn, delete template layer and add a drop shadow. Repeat this step for Rec shape left layer.
Select the small squares layer, sa,f,df,nl, c/p paper 04 into selections, sn, delete the template layer and add a drop shadow.
Select the rectangle layer, sa,f,df,nl, c/p paper 01 into selections, sn, delete the template layer and add a drop shadow.
Select the square left layer, greyscale this layer by going to Adjust. Hue & Saturation set both numbers at 0, do the same with the square right layer.
Go back to the left square, sa,f,df, c/p a close up of your tube, position your tube, invert selections and hit delete, change the blend mode to Luminance Legacy.
Repeat this step for the right square layer.
Select the rec back layer, grey scale this layer too, c/p your tube as a new layer, position over the center frame, duplicate the center frame layer and move it to the top in your layer pallet, using your erasor tool erase the parts of the frame that are covering up the tube, go to your tube layer
and again using your erasor tool erase the bottom part of the tube that is showing below the frame, add a drop shadow to your tube layer.
Lets add some elements, see the finished tag for placement of elements.
Starting at the mask layer, c/p element 53 as new layer resize 70%, position to the right, duplicate and mirror.
C/P element 41 as new layer above the green rectangle layer, resize 85% add a drop shadow.
C/P element 08 as new layer position, and add a drop shadow.
Open element 47, rotate all layers 90 right, c/p as a new layer, resize 65%, move to the right, duplicate layer and mirror.
C/P element 20, resize 45%, position.
C/P element 06, resize 45% position.
C/P element 29, resize 35% position.
C/P element 01, resize 35% position.
C/P element 51, resize 40% position.
Add © and name, foreground black background 65e3af and your done.



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