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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!
Filter: EyeCandy 4000 Snow Drift & Gradient Glow
Font: Weltron
Snow Animation: I used the "sneeuw2006Bieke" snow animation.
I don't know who created it, but if you google it you can get it just about anywhere.
Open ASB_ChristmasJoy_Cluster1, duplicate close the original.
Add a drop shadow of choice.
Choose a dark shade from thew cluster for your text colour and type Merry and position.
Type Christmas and position.
Change your font to Weltron and type your name in white, apply a thin Gradient glow use one of the blues from the tag, position your name.
Resize all layer 60%.
Apply Snow Drift filter, Small Lumpy Snow to all layers, change the color setting to a very light blue.
You will have to lower the Drift Height settings for the text layers.
Merge all layers Flatten.

Copy and paste into animation shop, duplicate selected until you get 10 frames.
Open the Snow animation in AS, Select all, Copy.
Go to your tag, select your first frame then Select all, Edit, Propogate paste, Edit, Paste into selected Frame.
Just click your mouse once in the first frame.


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