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Sunday, August 26, 2012

In All Simplicity

Tut Name:Simplicity
Kit Name: In All Simplicity by MLDesign, you can download this kit at www.DigiScrapBooking.ch
You can visit her blog here
Tube:Polka by Anna Liwanag, I purchased this tube at PTE, not sure where she is selling now.
Mask: Vix Big Masks2, mask number 19 download here
Template: by Designs by Ali, it's a halloween mask you can find it here on her blog.
Filters Used: Xero Porcelain (optional)
Font: Sylfaen, just google I'm sure you'll find it. White forground black background.

This tut assumes that you have a good working knowledge of PSP, I use version 9 but I'm sure this tut can be done in any version.
This tut is of my own creation, similarities to other tuts is coincidental.

sa-f-df = Select All, Float, Defolat.
sa-f-df-nl = Select All, Float, Defloat, New Layer.
sn = Select None
c/p = Copy & Paste
ds = Drop Shadow
See finished tag for placement of tube and elements.

This is a full sized kit, so you'll have to resize papers and elements, I'll give the resize settings as we go along.
Open tube, template and mask in PSP, duplicate the template and close the original.
Delete the following layers;DBA, Raster 5, and mask layer.

Let's begin
Go to Image, canvas size increase the size to 750x650.
Start by selecting the bottom layer of the template, add a new layer and flood fill white, Layers Arrange, Send To Bottom.

Open P06 and resize to 800x800 pixels, C/P P06 as new layer, apply the mask and merge group. Use your Move Tool (M) to center the mask layer in your image.

Select the Back Rectangle layer, sa-f-df, open P08 and resize to 800x800 pixels, c/p P08 as newlayer, selelctions invert and hit delete.
Add a drop shadow 2,2,34,6 to the Rectangle Frame layer.

Select the Small Side Frame layer, sa-f-df, open P14 and resize to 800x800 pixels, c/p P14 as a new layer, selections invert and hit delete,rename this layer paper14.
Add a drop shadow using the same settings to the Frames layer.

Select the Rectangle Frame layer again, using your magic wand select the top black square, c/p your close up, position, invert selections and hit delete.
Dupilcate this layer so that you have 3 total, position the other 2 layers in the frames and merge them into one tube layer.
Adjust, Hue and Saturation both settings at 0, apply Xero, Porcelain with green and red settings at 0 and blue at 255, add a ds.

C/P full size tube as new layer and position to the right.

Now for the elements,% and then 50%
Element 064 (black branch) resize 35
Element 092 (wordart) resize 35% and then again 30%, c/p as new layer, free rotate 90 to the Left.
Element 054 (Ribbon) resize 35 % and then again at 40%
Element 013 (stars) resisze35% and then 30%
Element 065 (leaves) resize 35% and then 60%
Element 07  (bow) resize 35% twice
Hide the white background and merge all layers. resize your image 80%, go to adjust sharpen once.
Your all done, add your text and ©.
Thanks for trying my tut.


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