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Sunday, August 26, 2012


Tut Name:Seductive
Kit Name:Brillamment created by Annliz available for download at Digiscrapbooking Boutique
Visit Annliz's blog here
Tube:Ismael Rac, Candycane, you can purchase this tube here. I've recoloured parts of the tube to suit my tag.
Mask: Vix Mask174 available here
Template: Template71 by AquaRebel315 dsnz here
Filters Used: DSB Bright Noise, Xero Radiance
Font:The Nautical Gal,size 100 forground 7747AE, background white.

This tut assumes that you have a good working knowledge of PSP, I use version 9 but I'm sure this tut can be done in any version.
This tut is of my own creation, similarities to other tuts is coincidental.

sa-f-df = Select All, Float, Defolat.
sa-f-df-nl = Select All, Float, Defloat, New Layer.
sn = Select None
c/p = Copy & Paste
ds = Drop Shadow

Open tube, template and mask in PSP, duplicate the template and close the original.
Delete the first 5 layers.

Let's begin
Starting on the bottom layer of the template unhide the background layer, add a new raster layer, sa.
Open pap1 and resize to 800x800 pixels, c/p pap1 into selections, sn, apply your mask and merge group.

Select the Raster 1 layer, sa-f-df-nl, open paper4, resize to 800x800 pixels c/p Into Selections, selections, modify, contract by 8 pixels, sn.
Apply an Inner Bevel use the settings below.

Apply a drop shdaow & hide the template layer.

Select Raster 2 layer, sa-f-df-nl, open paper1 resize to 800x800 pixels, c/p as new layer, move the paper up as far as it will go, selections invert delete, sn.
Apply DSB Bright Noise,  settings Mix-57 apply again.
Repet this step for Raster 4 & Copy of Raster 4 Copy layers, delete the template layers as you go along, add a drop shadow.

Select Raster 3 layer, sa-f-df-nl, open paper3 resize 800x800 pixels c/p Into Selections, sn, delete template layer.
Repeat this step for layers 5 & Copy of Raster 5. Hide the template layers we'll use them again.

Select Raster 5 layer, sa-f-df, use close up of your tube, I've resized mine 60%, c/p as a new layer and position over the marching ants, invert and delete.
Layers, Arrange, Move to the top.

Apply Xero Radiance with these settings; Strangeness-191, Charm-50, Truth-33, Beauty-255. Go to Adjust, Hue & Saturation, both settings at 0, apply a ds.
Duplicate this layer and go to Image Mirror.

Open your full size tube and resize it 75% c/p this as a new layer.

Lets add some elements add drop shadows as you go along, I used the following but feel free to add any other that you like.
El18, resize 35% and then 40%,  c/p above mask layer position to the left and down a bit, duplicate and mirror layers merge down, duplicate and Image flip.
El7, resize 35%, c/p as new layer move to the right, duplicate and mirror image.
El17, resize 35% and then 40%,  c/p above mask layer position to the  and down a bit, right duplicate and mirror layers merge down.
El15, resize 35% and then 60%   c/p as new layer position at the bottom of the tag.
El19, resize 35% c/p as new layer place this layer above the and then resize again 50% c/p as new layer, position and duplicate Image Mirror.

Hide the white layer and merge visible, resize all layer 80%.
All done, add your text and ©.


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