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Saturday, January 12, 2013
Vintage Time PTU
9:37 AM
| Posted by
Vintage Time
This tut assumes you have a good working knowledge of psp, this was done in version 9.
Kit by ADDesign, you can purchase this kit here.
Thank you so much for allowing me to use your kit for this tutorial.
Template: by Divine Intentionz, Template # 343
Mask: by Vix, Mask 362, the one at the top, just right click and save here.
Tube: by Alex Prihodko, at
SA=Select All
SN=Select None
NL=New layer
C/P=Copy & Paste
Drop shadow=3,3,35,5
This tut assumes you have a good working knowledge of psp, this was done in version 9.
Kit by ADDesign, you can purchase this kit here.
Thank you so much for allowing me to use your kit for this tutorial.
Template: by Divine Intentionz, Template # 343
Mask: by Vix, Mask 362, the one at the top, just right click and save here.
Tube: by Alex Prihodko, at
SA=Select All
SN=Select None
NL=New layer
C/P=Copy & Paste
Drop shadow=3,3,35,5
Open the tube, select the layers to use and hide the rest copy and paste as a new image and close the original.
Open the template, duplicate and close the original.
Delete the following layers in your template, credits, wordart, and rectangle 1 & 2.
Open the template, duplicate and close the original.
Delete the following layers in your template, credits, wordart, and rectangle 1 & 2.
Lets get started.
The kit is full size so resize papers 700x700 pixels and sharpen as you go along.
In the template, go to Canvas and resize to 700x700, on the background layer flood fill with white.
Add a new layer, sa, open paper pp03, don't forget to resize, c/p into selections, sn.
Apply the mask and merge group, move it slightly to the right, duplicate this layer and mirror.
Layers merge down, use your erasor tool to erase the 2 brown dots one at the top and one at the bottom that are sticking out on their own.
Layers merge down, use your erasor tool to erase the 2 brown dots one at the top and one at the bottom that are sticking out on their own.
Select the glittered circle layer, sa,f,df,nl, c/p pp02, into selections, sn, delete the template layer.
Repeat the above step for the Frame layer, when done delete the template layer.
Add a drop shadow to each these layers.
Repeat the above step for the Frame layer, when done delete the template layer.
Add a drop shadow to each these layers.
Go to the Large circle layer, sa,f,df,nl, c/p pp03 into selections, sn, delete the template layer.
Go to the frame background layer, sa,f,df,nl, c/p pp05 into selections, sn, delete the template layer.
Make sure the new frame background layer you just made is selected in the layers pallet, sa,f,df,nl, c/p your tube as a new layer and position her head inside the marqee, selections invert, hit delete. sn, add a drop shadow and change the blend mode to Overlay.
Select new frame layer agian, open el09 and resize 35%, c/p el09 as a new layer, use your deform tool to change the angle of the frame.
Select the small circle 1 layer, sa,f,df,nl, c/p pp05 into selections, sn, delete template layer.
Repeat this step for circle layer 2. Add a drop shadow to both layers.
Repeat this step for circle layer 2. Add a drop shadow to both layers.
Copy & paste your tube, resize 40% and sharpen, position to the right.
c/p el10, resize 35% twice, c/p as new layer, position to the right and cover the bottom of the tube, duplicate and move this layer slightly to the left, layers merge down, add a drop shadow.
Open el06, resize 35%, and again 50%, sharpen, c/p as new layer and position, duplicate and use your deform tool to change the angle.
Open el05 resize 35% and again 50%, sharpen, c/p as a new layer and position.
Open el08, resize 35% 2 TIMES, c/p as a new layer and position.
Open el02, resize 35% 2 TIMES, c/p as a new layer and position.
Open el01, resize 35% 2 TIMES, c/p as a new layer and position.
Open el02, resize 35% 2 TIMES, c/p as a new layer and position.
Open el01, resize 35% 2 TIMES, c/p as a new layer and position.
Turn the background layer off and merge visible, add your name and © and your done.
I resized my tag 80% and sharpened once before adding text & ©.
I resized my tag 80% and sharpened once before adding text & ©.
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