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Saturday, February 15, 2014
New kit for sale!
3:10 PM
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1/2 off sale!!
3:08 PM
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Grab some great deals here
New Designer at.......
3:06 PM
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Sunday, December 15, 2013
Merry Christmas
10:46 AM
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Merry Christmas!
Kit: Christmas Joy
Filter: EyeCandy 4000 Snow Drift & Gradient Glow
Font: Lutin_Paniquangoiss
Font: Weltron
Snow Animation: I used the "sneeuw2006Bieke" snow animation.
I don't know who created it, but if you google it you can get it just about anywhere.
Open ASB_ChristmasJoy_Cluster1, duplicate close the original.
Add a drop shadow of choice.
Choose a dark shade from thew cluster for your text colour and type Merry and position.
Type Christmas and position.
Change your font to Weltron and type your name in white, apply a thin Gradient glow use one of the blues from the tag, position your name.
Resize all layer 60%.
Apply Snow Drift filter, Small Lumpy Snow to all layers, change the color setting to a very light blue.
You will have to lower the Drift Height settings for the text layers.
Merge all layers Flatten.
Copy and paste into animation shop, duplicate selected until you get 10 frames.
Open the Snow animation in AS, Select all, Copy.
Go to your tag, select your first frame then Select all, Edit, Propogate paste, Edit, Paste into selected Frame.
Just click your mouse once in the first frame.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
I Miss You
3:07 PM
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2 months today my 26 year old son, my eldest, passed away.
Andrew you are in my thoughts everyday and I miss you so much xoxo
Andrew you are in my thoughts everyday and I miss you so much xoxo
Freebie Feather PU Only
12:55 PM
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Freebie for you PU Only
12:24 PM
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Friday, February 8, 2013
Grand Opening Sale
4:08 PM
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I just joined TaggingAngels as a new designer.
Check out my sales everything in my store is .99 each.
Grab my newest kit Dark Passion!!
New in Stores today
4:06 PM
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New in stores today!!
Grand opening sale at TaggingAngels.
All items are .99 each
Get to my store here
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Blue For You Tagger kit
2:17 PM
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New in stores, get it while it's on sale for $1
New kit in stores, on sale now for $1
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Gothic Treasures PTU
8:08 PM
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Kit: Gothic Treasure by Hania's Design you can purchase the kit here.
Thank you for allowing me to use this amazing kit.
Tube: By Barbara Jensen, this is a bonus tube and may not be available
but Barb has so many wonderful tubes that could be used to create a similar looking tag.
You can purchase Barbs tubes here.
Template: by Missy, template 412, you can get it here.
Mask: by Vix, mask 404, you can download here.
Font: Zombie Holocaust, download here.
Thank you for allowing me to use this amazing kit.
Tube: By Barbara Jensen, this is a bonus tube and may not be available
but Barb has so many wonderful tubes that could be used to create a similar looking tag.
You can purchase Barbs tubes here.
Template: by Missy, template 412, you can get it here.
Mask: by Vix, mask 404, you can download here.
Font: Zombie Holocaust, download here.
SA=Select All
SN=Select None
NL=New layer
C/P=Copy & Paste
Drop shadow=3,3,35,5
SN=Select None
NL=New layer
C/P=Copy & Paste
Drop shadow=3,3,35,5
Open your tube, template and mask in psp, select the layers in your tube to want use (I used mostly black layers) and copy merged and paste as a new image, close the original. Duplicate the template and close the original, delete the credits, raster 2 and copy of raster 2 layers.
In your template select the background layer, unhide and add a new raster layer, sa, c/p paper 05 into selections, sn, apply your mask layer andmerge group.
Select Rec shape right layer, sa,f,df,nl, c/p paper 06 into selections, sn, delete template layer and add a drop shadow. Repeat this step for Rec shape left layer.
Select the small squares layer, sa,f,df,nl, c/p paper 04 into selections, sn, delete the template layer and add a drop shadow.
Select the rectangle layer, sa,f,df,nl, c/p paper 01 into selections, sn, delete the template layer and add a drop shadow.
Select the square left layer, greyscale this layer by going to Adjust. Hue & Saturation set both numbers at 0, do the same with the square right layer.
Go back to the left square, sa,f,df, c/p a close up of your tube, position your tube, invert selections and hit delete, change the blend mode to Luminance Legacy.
Repeat this step for the right square layer.
Repeat this step for the right square layer.
Select the rec back layer, grey scale this layer too, c/p your tube as a new layer, position over the center frame, duplicate the center frame layer and move it to the top in your layer pallet, using your erasor tool erase the parts of the frame that are covering up the tube, go to your tube layer
and again using your erasor tool erase the bottom part of the tube that is showing below the frame, add a drop shadow to your tube layer.
and again using your erasor tool erase the bottom part of the tube that is showing below the frame, add a drop shadow to your tube layer.
Lets add some elements, see the finished tag for placement of elements.
Starting at the mask layer, c/p element 53 as new layer resize 70%, position to the right, duplicate and mirror.
C/P element 41 as new layer above the green rectangle layer, resize 85% add a drop shadow.
C/P element 08 as new layer position, and add a drop shadow.
Open element 47, rotate all layers 90 right, c/p as a new layer, resize 65%, move to the right, duplicate layer and mirror.
C/P element 20, resize 45%, position.
C/P element 06, resize 45% position.
C/P element 29, resize 35% position.
C/P element 01, resize 35% position.
C/P element 51, resize 40% position.
C/P element 41 as new layer above the green rectangle layer, resize 85% add a drop shadow.
C/P element 08 as new layer position, and add a drop shadow.
Open element 47, rotate all layers 90 right, c/p as a new layer, resize 65%, move to the right, duplicate layer and mirror.
C/P element 20, resize 45%, position.
C/P element 06, resize 45% position.
C/P element 29, resize 35% position.
C/P element 01, resize 35% position.
C/P element 51, resize 40% position.
Add © and name, foreground black background 65e3af and your done.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Tropical Paradise PTU
4:05 PM
| Posted by
Tropical Paradise
This tut assumes you have good working knowledge of PSP.
Kit: Tropical Paradise, by Applehead Designs you can purchase this kit here.
Thank you Applehead for allowing me to use your wonderful kit.
Tube: Green Mermaid by Elias Chatzoudis, you can purchase this tube here.
Template: by AquaRebel, template # 71, download here.
Mask: by Vix, Vix Big Mask 001, you can down load here.
Font: Puppypoopy, download here.
This tut assumes you have good working knowledge of PSP.
Kit: Tropical Paradise, by Applehead Designs you can purchase this kit here.
Thank you Applehead for allowing me to use your wonderful kit.
Tube: Green Mermaid by Elias Chatzoudis, you can purchase this tube here.
Template: by AquaRebel, template # 71, download here.
Mask: by Vix, Vix Big Mask 001, you can down load here.
Font: Puppypoopy, download here.
SA=Select All
SN=Select None
NL=New layer
C/P=Copy & Paste
Drop shadow=3,3,35,5
Open your mask and template in PSP, duplicate the mask and close the original.
In the template delete the following layers, layer 10,9 8, 7, 6.
In the template delete the following layers, layer 10,9 8, 7, 6.
Unhide the background layer, add a new layer and select all c/p paper04 into selections, sn, apply your mask layer and merge group.
Resize your mask layer 95%.
Resize your mask layer 95%.
Select raster 1 layer, sa,f,df,nl, c/p paper09 into selections, sn, go to adjust add/remove noise settings 100, Gaussian and Monochrome selected, add a drop shadow, delete template layer.
Repeat the above step for layers 4 and copy of 4.
Select raster 2 layer, sa,f,df,nl, c/p paper09 into selections, sn, go to adjust add/remove noise settings 100, Gaussian and Monochrome selected, add a drop shadow, delete template layer.
Open the colour paller that is provided with the kit, make your foreground the dark red, make your background the light red, create a gradient set the angle at 45 and the repeats at 0, select raster 3 layer sa,f,df,nl, flood fill with your gradient, sn, delete the template layer.
C/P Birdhouse Branch 03 as a new layer, position to the right, duplicate and mirror, add a drop shadow to each layer.
Change your foreground colour to the green and the background colour to the yellow, create a gradient with these 2 colours angle at 0 this time.
Select raster 5 layer, sa,f,df,nl, flood fill with your new gradient, sn, got effects, texture effects. weave, use the following settings, Gap size=1, width=3, opacity=4, weave colour =black, gap colour=white, fill gaps is checked, delete the template layer.
Repeat the above step for copy of raster 5 layer.
C/P Palm Tree, as a new layer, resize 85%, position to the far right, duplicate and mirror, add a drop shadow to each layer.
C/P Flower 02, as a new layer, resize 50%, position to the far right, duplicate and mirror, add a drop shadow to each layer.
C/P porthole 3 as new layer, add drop shadow.
C/P paste your tube as a new layer. Move your tube down a bit on your image, add a drop shadow.
C/P Seashell 01 as new layer, resize 35%, position bottom right of image.
C/P Seashell 02 as new layer, resize 35%, position bottom right of image.
C/P Seashell 03 as new layer, resize 35%, position bottom right of image.
C/P Seashell 02 as new layer, resize 35%, position bottom right of image.
C/P Seashell 03 as new layer, resize 35%, position bottom right of image.
All done, add your copy right and text, hide the background layer and save a PNG.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Vintage Time PTU
9:37 AM
| Posted by
Vintage Time
This tut assumes you have a good working knowledge of psp, this was done in version 9.
Kit by ADDesign, you can purchase this kit here.
Thank you so much for allowing me to use your kit for this tutorial.
Template: by Divine Intentionz, Template # 343
Mask: by Vix, Mask 362, the one at the top, just right click and save here.
Tube: by Alex Prihodko, at
SA=Select All
SN=Select None
NL=New layer
C/P=Copy & Paste
Drop shadow=3,3,35,5
This tut assumes you have a good working knowledge of psp, this was done in version 9.
Kit by ADDesign, you can purchase this kit here.
Thank you so much for allowing me to use your kit for this tutorial.
Template: by Divine Intentionz, Template # 343
Mask: by Vix, Mask 362, the one at the top, just right click and save here.
Tube: by Alex Prihodko, at
SA=Select All
SN=Select None
NL=New layer
C/P=Copy & Paste
Drop shadow=3,3,35,5
Open the tube, select the layers to use and hide the rest copy and paste as a new image and close the original.
Open the template, duplicate and close the original.
Delete the following layers in your template, credits, wordart, and rectangle 1 & 2.
Open the template, duplicate and close the original.
Delete the following layers in your template, credits, wordart, and rectangle 1 & 2.
Lets get started.
The kit is full size so resize papers 700x700 pixels and sharpen as you go along.
In the template, go to Canvas and resize to 700x700, on the background layer flood fill with white.
Add a new layer, sa, open paper pp03, don't forget to resize, c/p into selections, sn.
Apply the mask and merge group, move it slightly to the right, duplicate this layer and mirror.
Layers merge down, use your erasor tool to erase the 2 brown dots one at the top and one at the bottom that are sticking out on their own.
Layers merge down, use your erasor tool to erase the 2 brown dots one at the top and one at the bottom that are sticking out on their own.
Select the glittered circle layer, sa,f,df,nl, c/p pp02, into selections, sn, delete the template layer.
Repeat the above step for the Frame layer, when done delete the template layer.
Add a drop shadow to each these layers.
Repeat the above step for the Frame layer, when done delete the template layer.
Add a drop shadow to each these layers.
Go to the Large circle layer, sa,f,df,nl, c/p pp03 into selections, sn, delete the template layer.
Go to the frame background layer, sa,f,df,nl, c/p pp05 into selections, sn, delete the template layer.
Make sure the new frame background layer you just made is selected in the layers pallet, sa,f,df,nl, c/p your tube as a new layer and position her head inside the marqee, selections invert, hit delete. sn, add a drop shadow and change the blend mode to Overlay.
Select new frame layer agian, open el09 and resize 35%, c/p el09 as a new layer, use your deform tool to change the angle of the frame.
Select the small circle 1 layer, sa,f,df,nl, c/p pp05 into selections, sn, delete template layer.
Repeat this step for circle layer 2. Add a drop shadow to both layers.
Repeat this step for circle layer 2. Add a drop shadow to both layers.
Copy & paste your tube, resize 40% and sharpen, position to the right.
c/p el10, resize 35% twice, c/p as new layer, position to the right and cover the bottom of the tube, duplicate and move this layer slightly to the left, layers merge down, add a drop shadow.
Open el06, resize 35%, and again 50%, sharpen, c/p as new layer and position, duplicate and use your deform tool to change the angle.
Open el05 resize 35% and again 50%, sharpen, c/p as a new layer and position.
Open el08, resize 35% 2 TIMES, c/p as a new layer and position.
Open el02, resize 35% 2 TIMES, c/p as a new layer and position.
Open el01, resize 35% 2 TIMES, c/p as a new layer and position.
Open el02, resize 35% 2 TIMES, c/p as a new layer and position.
Open el01, resize 35% 2 TIMES, c/p as a new layer and position.
Turn the background layer off and merge visible, add your name and © and your done.
I resized my tag 80% and sharpened once before adding text & ©.
I resized my tag 80% and sharpened once before adding text & ©.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Rock Chick FTU
6:39 PM
| Posted by
Rock Chick!!
Template: Template 129, by Rosey can be found here.
Tube: by Jamie Kidd, Candice 62-1, available for purchase at CDO.
Filters used: Mura's Cloud & Copies, PentaCom ColorDot, Xero Fratillary.
Foreground Colour=6F2F65
Background Colour=090909
NL=New Layer
SN=Select None
Drop shadow used: 2,2,35,5, can be added after finishing eash step.
Deleted template layers after each step.
We'll begin by making our own mask for this tag.
Open a new image, 834x456, flood fill with black, add a new layer, use your rectangle selection tool with these settings: Rectangle, Add (Shift), Feather 45, Anti-alias checked. Draw out a medium sized rectangle on your new layer, be careful not to get to close to the edges of your image, flood fill with white, center this layer in your image and merge layers down.
Open the template, duplicate the image and close the original.
Delete the credits layer, layer 10 and copy of layer 10.
Select the bottom layer and add a new layer, flood fill with black and apply your new mask, merge group.
Create a Linear gradient using the foreground and background colours, Angle 0, repeats 0.
Select Raster 12 layer in your template, SA, F, DF,NL, flood fill the selection with your gradient, SN.
Select Copy of Raster 12 layer, SA,F,DF,NL, Invert the gradient and flood fill with the gradient, SN.
Select Raster 13 layer, SA,F,DF,NL, flood fill with forground colour, keep selected and apply Mura's Cloud filter use default settings, repeat for copy of raster 13 layer.
Select Raster 11 layer, SA,F,DF,NL, flood fill with your gradient set on Sunburst, invert UNchecked, SN, DO NOT DELETE this layer hide template layer.
Select Raster 8 layer, SA,F,DF,NL, flood fill with your gradient set on Sunburst, invert UNchecked, apply Penta Com Color Dot, change the Value to 120 and the Distance to 10, SN, hide template layer.
Repeat for Copy of Raster 8 Layer.
Select Raster 2 layer, SA,F,DF,NL, flood fill with LINEAR gradient, invert checked, repeats 1, Adjust, Add Noise, Noise=75, Gaussian and Monochrome selected, repeat noise, keep selected.
Selections, modify, contract by 5, add a new layer and flood fill with the same linear gradient, SN.
Select Raster layer 1, SA,F,DF,NL, flood fill with your back ground layer, repeat for copy of raster 1 layer.
Select raster 3 layer, SA,F,DF,NL, flood fill with your foreground colour, apply Xero Fratillary using these settings: Granularity=3, Aggression=170, Tessalation=17, Variation=67. Repeat this step for the Copy of Raster 3 layer.
Select raster layer 5, SA,F,DF,NL, flood fill with your background colour, do NOT delete the template instead and some noise to it using the same settings as before, repeat this for copy of raster 5 layer.
Ok lets add the tubes now.
Go back to Raster 11 layer SA,F,DF, copy and paste the medium sized tube as a new layer, selections invert and hit delete. Layers arrange, move up, change the blend mode to Overlay. You can now delete the template layer.
Select your tube layer again, and hide all the layers in your layers pallet that are below the tube layer including the tube, select the very top layer in your pallet and merge layers visible. You can now unhide everything.
Using your move tool, move your merged layer down a bit in your image.
Select your text tool, create as Vector, using a pixel font set at 10 and background colour set at 6F2F65 type your name, Align, Center In Canvas.
Apply Mura's copies use these settings: Pre-set Menu=Tiling, Shift Mode=Line, Tile Mode=Normal, change Number to 1 and gap size to 2 hit OK. Position so that it fills nicely inside the black rectangle on your merged layer.
Back to your merged layer use your magic wand, feather set at 0 and click inside the Black rectangle, selections Invert, go to your text layer that you just did and hit delete.
Copy and paste the Small size tube (layer 1) as a new layer position to the right, see finished tag. Add a drop shadow of 3,3,100,10 with shadow on new layer checked.
Use your erasor to erase the bottom of the shadow, this will make the tube look better. Select your tube layer and Merge Down.
You can add your name again if you choose, resize all layers 70%, add © and YOUR DONE!!
Template: Template 129, by Rosey can be found here.
Tube: by Jamie Kidd, Candice 62-1, available for purchase at CDO.
Filters used: Mura's Cloud & Copies, PentaCom ColorDot, Xero Fratillary.
Foreground Colour=6F2F65
Background Colour=090909
NL=New Layer
SN=Select None
Drop shadow used: 2,2,35,5, can be added after finishing eash step.
Deleted template layers after each step.
We'll begin by making our own mask for this tag.
Open a new image, 834x456, flood fill with black, add a new layer, use your rectangle selection tool with these settings: Rectangle, Add (Shift), Feather 45, Anti-alias checked. Draw out a medium sized rectangle on your new layer, be careful not to get to close to the edges of your image, flood fill with white, center this layer in your image and merge layers down.
Open the template, duplicate the image and close the original.
Delete the credits layer, layer 10 and copy of layer 10.
Select the bottom layer and add a new layer, flood fill with black and apply your new mask, merge group.
Create a Linear gradient using the foreground and background colours, Angle 0, repeats 0.
Select Raster 12 layer in your template, SA, F, DF,NL, flood fill the selection with your gradient, SN.
Select Copy of Raster 12 layer, SA,F,DF,NL, Invert the gradient and flood fill with the gradient, SN.
Select Raster 13 layer, SA,F,DF,NL, flood fill with forground colour, keep selected and apply Mura's Cloud filter use default settings, repeat for copy of raster 13 layer.
Select Raster 11 layer, SA,F,DF,NL, flood fill with your gradient set on Sunburst, invert UNchecked, SN, DO NOT DELETE this layer hide template layer.
Select Raster 8 layer, SA,F,DF,NL, flood fill with your gradient set on Sunburst, invert UNchecked, apply Penta Com Color Dot, change the Value to 120 and the Distance to 10, SN, hide template layer.
Repeat for Copy of Raster 8 Layer.
Select Raster 2 layer, SA,F,DF,NL, flood fill with LINEAR gradient, invert checked, repeats 1, Adjust, Add Noise, Noise=75, Gaussian and Monochrome selected, repeat noise, keep selected.
Selections, modify, contract by 5, add a new layer and flood fill with the same linear gradient, SN.
Select Raster layer 1, SA,F,DF,NL, flood fill with your back ground layer, repeat for copy of raster 1 layer.
Select raster 3 layer, SA,F,DF,NL, flood fill with your foreground colour, apply Xero Fratillary using these settings: Granularity=3, Aggression=170, Tessalation=17, Variation=67. Repeat this step for the Copy of Raster 3 layer.
Select raster layer 5, SA,F,DF,NL, flood fill with your background colour, do NOT delete the template instead and some noise to it using the same settings as before, repeat this for copy of raster 5 layer.
Ok lets add the tubes now.
Go back to Raster 11 layer SA,F,DF, copy and paste the medium sized tube as a new layer, selections invert and hit delete. Layers arrange, move up, change the blend mode to Overlay. You can now delete the template layer.
Select your tube layer again, and hide all the layers in your layers pallet that are below the tube layer including the tube, select the very top layer in your pallet and merge layers visible. You can now unhide everything.
Using your move tool, move your merged layer down a bit in your image.
Select your text tool, create as Vector, using a pixel font set at 10 and background colour set at 6F2F65 type your name, Align, Center In Canvas.
Apply Mura's copies use these settings: Pre-set Menu=Tiling, Shift Mode=Line, Tile Mode=Normal, change Number to 1 and gap size to 2 hit OK. Position so that it fills nicely inside the black rectangle on your merged layer.
Back to your merged layer use your magic wand, feather set at 0 and click inside the Black rectangle, selections Invert, go to your text layer that you just did and hit delete.
Copy and paste the Small size tube (layer 1) as a new layer position to the right, see finished tag. Add a drop shadow of 3,3,100,10 with shadow on new layer checked.
Use your erasor to erase the bottom of the shadow, this will make the tube look better. Select your tube layer and Merge Down.
You can add your name again if you choose, resize all layers 70%, add © and YOUR DONE!!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Andrew, 09/07/85-12/17/12
11:44 AM
| Posted by
My beloved son Andrew passed away December 17th, 2012.
I will miss you and treasure all the memories I have of you forever.
I know you are at peace now and that you are no longer troubled by life.
I may not have been at your side everyday of your life but know that you were always in my heart.
The pain of your passing is great but like you I will be strong and struggle through.
I love you Andrew and always will.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
New kits in stores
11:34 AM
| Posted by
New kits by me! Find them both at under JTsDesigns.
Grab then now while my Christmas sale is each for $1
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Darkest Night
5:19 PM
| Posted by
Darkest Night
This tut assume your have a Good working knowledge of PSP.
All the items used in this tut are FTU
Kit: Darkest Night, by Gothic Inspirations download here.
Tube: Gothic Siren, Anne Stokes, she does not allow tubing so just right click on the image and
save. You MUST use ©Anne Stokes
Template: Designs By Ali 21, find it here.
Mask: Wee Scots Lass, masks 219 & 318.
Fonts: Pointed Brush, foreground black, background use Paper 5 as a pattern scale at 50%.
Shadow: 1,1, 50, 10
Filters: None
PSP Filters used: None
sa-f-df-nl= Select All, Float, Defloat, New Raster Layer.
sa-f-df= Select All, Float, Defloat.
c/p= copy & paste
sa=select all
sn=select none
Lets begin.
Open your mask picture & template in PSP, duplicate and close the original.
Delete the credits Rectangles, inner & outer frame layers.
Image canvas size 700x700, select bottom layer, add a new layer, sa, c/p paper1 Into selections, sn.
Apply mask 219, merge group, layers arrange send to the bottom.
Add a new layer, sa, c/p paper 5 into selections, sn, apply mask 318, merge group add a drop shadow 1,1,50,10.
C/P Moon element and resize 50% & position.
Select Back Circle layer, sa-f-df-nl, c/p paper 5 into selections, add a new layer, c/p your Anne Stokes image Into selections, change the blend mode to overlay, sn. Add a drop shadow to the Paper 5 layer, hide template layer.
C/P Moss as new layer, resize 75%, add drop shadow, duplicate this layer and merge down.
Open Frame 4 in the elements file, resize 50%, resize all layers UN checked, c/p the Anne Stokes image agian as a new layer, arrange send to the bottom, using your lasso tool create a reactangle just inside the edges of the frame, selections invert and hit delete, sn. C/P this as a new layer in your tag, Image Free Rotate 15 Left, add a drop shadow.
Duplicate the Moss layer resize 75% Image mirror, position over Framed layer.
C/P Rose as new layer, resize 25%, position, add a drop shadow.
Select top , mask layer c/p Leaves as a new layer position, duplicate and flip, layers merge down add a drop shadow.
C/P Word art, resize 50% position and add a drop shadow, 1,1,50,10, Adjust, Brightness/Contrast settings -47, 10, apply again.
C/P lamp, resize 35% position and add a drop shadow.
Add your copy right and text, for the text I also added an Inner Bevel for some depth, these are the settings I used:
Bevel Shape 2
Width 15
Smooth 0
Depth 6
Ambience -3
Shininess 0
Color White
Angle 315
Intensity 50
Elevation 30
All done.
2:17 PM
| Posted by
Tube by Suzzane Richards available at CDO.
Xero Fratillary
EyeCandy4000, Gradient Glow.
Xenofex 2 Constellation
PSP plugins, Edge Effects, Texture, Drop Shadow, Inner Bevel.
Foreground Colour: 32C3D2
Background Colour: F48734
Open new image 600x250, flood fill with gradient using the fg & bg colours. Angle 0, repeats 0.
Apply Xero Fratillary filter, Granulation 5, Agression 37, Tessalation 100, Variation 51.
Effects, Edge Effects, Enhance.
Custome Selections, Left 0, Top 75, Right 600, Bottom 175, Promote selection to layer.
EyeCandy4000 Gradient Glow, Select "Thin Green Line", in the Bsaics tab Glow Width 24, Soft
Corners 30, Opacity 100, In the color tab select the blue (32c3d2).
Add a drop shadow 0,0,50,0.
Custom selections, same as before, add a new layer and flood fill with the blue, select none.
Effects, Texture Effects, Weave use these settings:
Gap 1
Width 13
Opacity 2
Weave Color Black
Gap Color the orange (f48784)
Custome selections same as before, c/p tube, position to the Right, selections invert and delete.
Add a drop shadow 1,1,50,10, custome selections same as before, invert and delete.
Image Mirror, change the blend mode to Luminance Legacy.
C/P tube again as new layer, resize 50%, position and add a drop shadow 1,1,50,10.
C/P Blue fish resize 50% position and add the same drop shadow.
C/P Orange fish, resize 35% position and add the same drop shadow.
Add a new layer flood fill with the same gradient but change the Angle to 180.
Select all, modify contract by 3, hit delete, add drop shadow.
Hide your background layer and merge visible.
Add your © and name, I used Saginaw font with an Inner Bevel, use these settings:
Bevel Shape 2
Width 15
Smooth 0
Depth 6
Ambience -3
Shininess 0
Color White
Angle 315
Intensity 50
Elevation 30
Add a drop shadow, and apply the bevel again.
Duplicate your background layer, twice so that you have 3 total.
On first background layer apply Xenofex2 Constellation, use default but check "Keep Original
Select 2nd background layer, apply constellation but hit the "Random Seed" button once.
Repeat this for the 3rd background layer. Hide 2nd and 3rd background layers.
Edit Copy Merged.
Open Animation Shop, Edit Paste as new animation, in PSP hide the 1st background layer unhide
the 2nd and copy merged, in AS Edit Paste after Current Frame, repeat this step for 3rd
background layer. View your animation and save as a GIF.
Thanks for trying my tut.
Xero Fratillary
EyeCandy4000, Gradient Glow.
Xenofex 2 Constellation
PSP plugins, Edge Effects, Texture, Drop Shadow, Inner Bevel.
Foreground Colour: 32C3D2
Background Colour: F48734
Open new image 600x250, flood fill with gradient using the fg & bg colours. Angle 0, repeats 0.
Apply Xero Fratillary filter, Granulation 5, Agression 37, Tessalation 100, Variation 51.
Effects, Edge Effects, Enhance.
Custome Selections, Left 0, Top 75, Right 600, Bottom 175, Promote selection to layer.
EyeCandy4000 Gradient Glow, Select "Thin Green Line", in the Bsaics tab Glow Width 24, Soft
Corners 30, Opacity 100, In the color tab select the blue (32c3d2).
Add a drop shadow 0,0,50,0.
Custom selections, same as before, add a new layer and flood fill with the blue, select none.
Effects, Texture Effects, Weave use these settings:
Gap 1
Width 13
Opacity 2
Weave Color Black
Gap Color the orange (f48784)
Custome selections same as before, c/p tube, position to the Right, selections invert and delete.
Add a drop shadow 1,1,50,10, custome selections same as before, invert and delete.
Image Mirror, change the blend mode to Luminance Legacy.
C/P tube again as new layer, resize 50%, position and add a drop shadow 1,1,50,10.
C/P Blue fish resize 50% position and add the same drop shadow.
C/P Orange fish, resize 35% position and add the same drop shadow.
Add a new layer flood fill with the same gradient but change the Angle to 180.
Select all, modify contract by 3, hit delete, add drop shadow.
Hide your background layer and merge visible.
Add your © and name, I used Saginaw font with an Inner Bevel, use these settings:
Bevel Shape 2
Width 15
Smooth 0
Depth 6
Ambience -3
Shininess 0
Color White
Angle 315
Intensity 50
Elevation 30
Add a drop shadow, and apply the bevel again.
Duplicate your background layer, twice so that you have 3 total.
On first background layer apply Xenofex2 Constellation, use default but check "Keep Original
Select 2nd background layer, apply constellation but hit the "Random Seed" button once.
Repeat this for the 3rd background layer. Hide 2nd and 3rd background layers.
Edit Copy Merged.
Open Animation Shop, Edit Paste as new animation, in PSP hide the 1st background layer unhide
the 2nd and copy merged, in AS Edit Paste after Current Frame, repeat this step for 3rd
background layer. View your animation and save as a GIF.
Thanks for trying my tut.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Booga Booga
3:22 PM
| Posted by
Booga Booga
This tut assumes your have a Good working knowledge of PSP.
Kit: Booga-Booga by Sarah's Tags-N-Things you can purchase
it here.
You can visit Sarah's blog here
Tube: EMOWITCH by Alex Prihodko which you can purchase
through PFD here
Mask: Vix_BigMask001, which you download here
Template: Evilicious by Cakes which you can download here
Fonts: Nemo_Nightmares, you can download here
Shadow: 3,3, 36, 6
Filters: None
PSP Filters used: Noise and drop shadow
sa-f-df-nl= Select All, Float, Defloat, New Raster Layer.
sa-f-df= Select All, Float, Defloat.
c/p= copy & paste
sa=select all
sn=select none
See finished tag for placement of tube/elements.
Let's begin.
Open your template, mask and tube in psp, duplicate your
template and close the original.
In your template delete the credits and the skull.
Select layer 11 and add a new layer, arrange, send to the
bottom, sa-f-df, c/p paper 3 Into selections, sn.
Apply your mask and merge group.
Use your mover tool to move the mask layer up slightly in your
Select layer 11 again, sa-f-df-nl, c/p paper 3 Into selections, sn,
add a ds delete the template layer .
Select layer 8, sa-f-df-nl, c/p paper6 Into selections sn, add a
drop shadow and delete the template layer. Repeat this step for
layer 7.
Select layer 6, sa-f-df-nl, c/p paper 3 into selections, sn, HIDE
template layer.
Select layer5, sa-f-df-nl, flood fill with color 63165b, adjust, add
noise, use these settings: Random, 75, Monochrome, sn, add a
drop shadow.
C/P your tube as a new layer.
Select template layer 6 again, sa-f-df, use your mover tool and
position your tube so that the face is inside the selection area,
invert and delete, layers arrange move up.
Lower the oppacity to 68 on your tube layer.
Select layer 4, sa-f-df-nl, flood fill with the color above, keep
selected, add a new layer, c/p ST-Element 13 Into selections,
change the blend mode to Luminance Legacy, sn, add a drop
shadow 1,9,100,18 twice.
Select layer 2, sa-f-df-nl, flood fill with color, add noise use the
same settings as before, delete template layer.
Select layer 1, sa-f-df, c/p paper 6 as new layer position if
needed and invert, delete, delete the template layer.
C/P your tube as a new layer, image mirror, resize 55%, add a
drop shadow 1,9,100,18.
Lets add some elements, I used the following but of course feel
free to use any of the great elements included in this kit.
ST-Element 33, position bottom right, duplicate and flip, merge
down, duplicate and mirror.
ST-Element 21
ST-Element 18, resize 55% twice.
ST-Element 36, resize 55%.
ST-Element 34, resize 35.
ST-Element 19, resize 55%.
ST-Element 20, resize 35%.
Merge layers visible, and resize image 75% sharpen once.
Add your copy right and text.
All done.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Spiral Out of Control
9:57 AM
| Posted by
Spiral Out Of Control
Filters used:
Tramages-Spiral3, and Pool Shadow
Jeux De Lignes, Entrelacment
AAA Filters-Good Vibrations,
AAA Filters-Foto Frame,
DSB Flux-Noise,
Lokas 3D Shadow,
Font: Mea Culpa
New image 600x250, using foreground (FG) colour 675D39 and background colour (BG) 412426 create a gradient choose the Starburst Style with repeats at 9. Flood fill your image.
Apply Tramages Spiral 3 filter set Rotations at 3 and Darken/Lighten to 236.
Custom Selections, Left-0, Top-75, Right-600, Bottom-175, promote secton to layer.
Selections, Modify, contract by 3, select the Raster 1 layer hit delete, select none. Apply AAA Filter, Good Vibration using these setting: Frequency 5, Amplitude 4, Frame Size 0, select Waves and Lighten. Repeat the filter.
Select the Promoted layer and lower opacity to 58, select none. Apply Jeux De Lignes use default settings.
Add a drop shadow, -9,9,100,15, and then again at 9,9,100,15.
New layer, flood fill with BG colour, layers arrange send to bottom.
Layers Merge Visible, apply AAA Filter Foto Frame enter these numbers starting at the top, 4, 55, 15, 1, 0, 10, 0, 100.
New layer. Custom selection, use the same settings as before, selections modify, contract by 15, flood fill with your FG colour, select none, move the rectangle to the right edge of the white frame.
Apply Tramages Pool Shadow use default settings.
Type your name size 36 in Vector, go to Objects, Align, Center In Canvas, convert to raster layer. Apply Mura's Copies, Line setting, you'll have to adjust the "number" according to the length of your name, mine is only 4 letters long so I chose 5.
C/P your tube and position to the left, apply Lokas 3D Shadow I used these setting, Blur 90, Transparency 23, Angles X,Y,Z 0, Offsets X, Y 10, Perspective 78.
Add your name again, and add a drop shadow 1,1,100,2.
Add your © and your done. Here's one I did for a friend.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Autumn In The Park
5:25 PM
| Posted by
Autumn In The Park
This tut assumes you have a Good working knowledge of PSP.
Kit: Autumn In The Park by Sarah's Tags-N-Things, available here.
You can visit her blog here
Thanks so much Sarah for letting me use your wonderful kit.
Tube: Miss Posh, Anna Liwanag available here
Mask: WeeScottLass Mask216 here
Template: Simply Beautiful, by Brutal Designs here
Fonts: Quickier Demo
Shadow: 3,3, 36, 6
Filters:, ColorDot.
PSP Filters used: None
sa-f-df-nl= Select All, Float, Defloat, New Raster Layer.
sa-f-df= Select All, Float, Defloat.
c/p= copy & paste
sa=select all
sn=select none
Let's begin.
Open your tube and template.
Duplicate the template and close the original. Delete the credits layer and the 4 "Dot" layers.
Go to Image Canvas Size and enlarge your canvas 800x800.
Select the background layer, sa, c/p paper1 into selections. Apply the mask and merge group.
Move the mask layer up and to the left slightly, duplicate and mirror, merge this layer down. Duplicate this layer and flip, move this layer down slightly. Merge layer down. You should have 1 background layer.
Select the blk circle bottom layer, sa-f-df-nl, c/p paper1 Into Selections, keep selected apply, ColorDot use the following:
settings: Value-90, distance-2, colorR-255, colorG-102, colorB-255. Hide template layer.
Repeat the above steps for blk square top & blk square bottom layers.
Select grey circle bottom, sa-f-df-nl, c/p paper2 Into Selections, select none.
Repeat the above step for the grey circle top layer.
Select blk square top layer, sa-f-df, c/p paper6 as new layer move paper so that marqee is totally covered, selections invert and hit delete. Hide template layer.
Repeat this step for the blk square bottom layer.
Select the white circle frame layer, sa-f-df, c/p paper7 as new layer, position, invert and hit delete.
Hide the template layer.
Select the grey square top layer, sa-f-df, c/p a close up of the tube as a new layer invert selections and hit delete, do this again for the bottom grey square.
On both tube layers change the blend mode to Luminance Legacy.
Select the blk square middle layer, sa-f-df, c/p paper8 as new layer, selections invert and delete.
Select the grey circle top layer, tehn click on the layer above that, sa-f-df, c/p your close up again, selections invert and delete.
Let's add some elements, see the finished tag for placement:
Element9, resize 80%
Element 39
Element31, resize 50%
Element8, resize 50%
Merge layers. Resize image to 80% sharpen once.
Add your copy right and text.
All done.
Monday, September 3, 2012
6:16 PM
| Posted by
5:58 PM
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Sunday, August 26, 2012
3:28 PM
| Posted by
Tut Name:Seductive
Kit Name:Brillamment created by Annliz available for download at Digiscrapbooking Boutique
Visit Annliz's blog here
Tube:Ismael Rac, Candycane, you can purchase this tube here. I've recoloured parts of the tube to suit my tag.
Mask: Vix Mask174 available here
Template: Template71 by AquaRebel315 dsnz here
Filters Used: DSB Bright Noise, Xero Radiance
Font:The Nautical Gal,size 100 forground 7747AE, background white.
This tut assumes that you have a good working knowledge of PSP, I use version 9 but I'm sure this tut can be done in any version.
This tut is of my own creation, similarities to other tuts is coincidental.
sa-f-df = Select All, Float, Defolat.
sa-f-df-nl = Select All, Float, Defloat, New Layer.
sn = Select None
c/p = Copy & Paste
ds = Drop Shadow
Open tube, template and mask in PSP, duplicate the template and close the original.
Delete the first 5 layers.
Let's begin
Starting on the bottom layer of the template unhide the background layer, add a new raster layer, sa.
Open pap1 and resize to 800x800 pixels, c/p pap1 into selections, sn, apply your mask and merge group.
Select the Raster 1 layer, sa-f-df-nl, open paper4, resize to 800x800 pixels c/p Into Selections, selections, modify, contract by 8 pixels, sn.
Apply an Inner Bevel use the settings below.
Apply a drop shdaow & hide the template layer.
Select Raster 2 layer, sa-f-df-nl, open paper1 resize to 800x800 pixels, c/p as new layer, move the paper up as far as it will go, selections invert delete, sn.
Apply DSB Bright Noise, settings Mix-57 apply again.
Repet this step for Raster 4 & Copy of Raster 4 Copy layers, delete the template layers as you go along, add a drop shadow.
Select Raster 3 layer, sa-f-df-nl, open paper3 resize 800x800 pixels c/p Into Selections, sn, delete template layer.
Repeat this step for layers 5 & Copy of Raster 5. Hide the template layers we'll use them again.
Select Raster 5 layer, sa-f-df, use close up of your tube, I've resized mine 60%, c/p as a new layer and position over the marching ants, invert and delete.
Layers, Arrange, Move to the top.
Apply Xero Radiance with these settings; Strangeness-191, Charm-50, Truth-33, Beauty-255. Go to Adjust, Hue & Saturation, both settings at 0, apply a ds.
Duplicate this layer and go to Image Mirror.
Open your full size tube and resize it 75% c/p this as a new layer.
Lets add some elements add drop shadows as you go along, I used the following but feel free to add any other that you like.
El18, resize 35% and then 40%, c/p above mask layer position to the left and down a bit, duplicate and mirror layers merge down, duplicate and Image flip.
El7, resize 35%, c/p as new layer move to the right, duplicate and mirror image.
El17, resize 35% and then 40%, c/p above mask layer position to the and down a bit, right duplicate and mirror layers merge down.
El15, resize 35% and then 60% c/p as new layer position at the bottom of the tag.
El19, resize 35% c/p as new layer place this layer above the and then resize again 50% c/p as new layer, position and duplicate Image Mirror.
Hide the white layer and merge visible, resize all layer 80%.
All done, add your text and ©.
Kit Name:Brillamment created by Annliz available for download at Digiscrapbooking Boutique
Visit Annliz's blog here
Tube:Ismael Rac, Candycane, you can purchase this tube here. I've recoloured parts of the tube to suit my tag.
Mask: Vix Mask174 available here
Template: Template71 by AquaRebel315 dsnz here
Filters Used: DSB Bright Noise, Xero Radiance
Font:The Nautical Gal,size 100 forground 7747AE, background white.
This tut assumes that you have a good working knowledge of PSP, I use version 9 but I'm sure this tut can be done in any version.
This tut is of my own creation, similarities to other tuts is coincidental.
sa-f-df = Select All, Float, Defolat.
sa-f-df-nl = Select All, Float, Defloat, New Layer.
sn = Select None
c/p = Copy & Paste
ds = Drop Shadow
Open tube, template and mask in PSP, duplicate the template and close the original.
Delete the first 5 layers.
Let's begin
Starting on the bottom layer of the template unhide the background layer, add a new raster layer, sa.
Open pap1 and resize to 800x800 pixels, c/p pap1 into selections, sn, apply your mask and merge group.
Select the Raster 1 layer, sa-f-df-nl, open paper4, resize to 800x800 pixels c/p Into Selections, selections, modify, contract by 8 pixels, sn.
Apply an Inner Bevel use the settings below.
Apply a drop shdaow & hide the template layer.
Select Raster 2 layer, sa-f-df-nl, open paper1 resize to 800x800 pixels, c/p as new layer, move the paper up as far as it will go, selections invert delete, sn.
Apply DSB Bright Noise, settings Mix-57 apply again.
Repet this step for Raster 4 & Copy of Raster 4 Copy layers, delete the template layers as you go along, add a drop shadow.
Select Raster 3 layer, sa-f-df-nl, open paper3 resize 800x800 pixels c/p Into Selections, sn, delete template layer.
Repeat this step for layers 5 & Copy of Raster 5. Hide the template layers we'll use them again.
Select Raster 5 layer, sa-f-df, use close up of your tube, I've resized mine 60%, c/p as a new layer and position over the marching ants, invert and delete.
Layers, Arrange, Move to the top.
Apply Xero Radiance with these settings; Strangeness-191, Charm-50, Truth-33, Beauty-255. Go to Adjust, Hue & Saturation, both settings at 0, apply a ds.
Duplicate this layer and go to Image Mirror.
Open your full size tube and resize it 75% c/p this as a new layer.
Lets add some elements add drop shadows as you go along, I used the following but feel free to add any other that you like.
El18, resize 35% and then 40%, c/p above mask layer position to the left and down a bit, duplicate and mirror layers merge down, duplicate and Image flip.
El7, resize 35%, c/p as new layer move to the right, duplicate and mirror image.
El17, resize 35% and then 40%, c/p above mask layer position to the and down a bit, right duplicate and mirror layers merge down.
El15, resize 35% and then 60% c/p as new layer position at the bottom of the tag.
El19, resize 35% c/p as new layer place this layer above the and then resize again 50% c/p as new layer, position and duplicate Image Mirror.
Hide the white layer and merge visible, resize all layer 80%.
All done, add your text and ©.
In All Simplicity
3:17 PM
| Posted by
Tut Name:Simplicity
Kit Name: In All Simplicity by MLDesign, you can download this kit at
You can visit her blog here
Tube:Polka by Anna Liwanag, I purchased this tube at PTE, not sure where she is selling now.
Mask: Vix Big Masks2, mask number 19 download here
Template: by Designs by Ali, it's a halloween mask you can find it here on her blog.
Filters Used: Xero Porcelain (optional)
Font: Sylfaen, just google I'm sure you'll find it. White forground black background.
This tut assumes that you have a good working knowledge of PSP, I use version 9 but I'm sure this tut can be done in any version.
This tut is of my own creation, similarities to other tuts is coincidental.
sa-f-df = Select All, Float, Defolat.
sa-f-df-nl = Select All, Float, Defloat, New Layer.
sn = Select None
c/p = Copy & Paste
ds = Drop Shadow
See finished tag for placement of tube and elements.
This is a full sized kit, so you'll have to resize papers and elements, I'll give the resize settings as we go along.
Open tube, template and mask in PSP, duplicate the template and close the original.
Delete the following layers;DBA, Raster 5, and mask layer.
Let's begin
Go to Image, canvas size increase the size to 750x650.
Start by selecting the bottom layer of the template, add a new layer and flood fill white, Layers Arrange, Send To Bottom.
Open P06 and resize to 800x800 pixels, C/P P06 as new layer, apply the mask and merge group. Use your Move Tool (M) to center the mask layer in your image.
Select the Back Rectangle layer, sa-f-df, open P08 and resize to 800x800 pixels, c/p P08 as newlayer, selelctions invert and hit delete.
Add a drop shadow 2,2,34,6 to the Rectangle Frame layer.
Select the Small Side Frame layer, sa-f-df, open P14 and resize to 800x800 pixels, c/p P14 as a new layer, selections invert and hit delete,rename this layer paper14.
Add a drop shadow using the same settings to the Frames layer.
Select the Rectangle Frame layer again, using your magic wand select the top black square, c/p your close up, position, invert selections and hit delete.
Dupilcate this layer so that you have 3 total, position the other 2 layers in the frames and merge them into one tube layer.
Adjust, Hue and Saturation both settings at 0, apply Xero, Porcelain with green and red settings at 0 and blue at 255, add a ds.
C/P full size tube as new layer and position to the right.
Now for the elements,% and then 50%
Element 064 (black branch) resize 35
Element 092 (wordart) resize 35% and then again 30%, c/p as new layer, free rotate 90 to the Left.
Element 054 (Ribbon) resize 35 % and then again at 40%
Element 013 (stars) resisze35% and then 30%
Element 065 (leaves) resize 35% and then 60%
Element 07 (bow) resize 35% twice
Hide the white background and merge all layers. resize your image 80%, go to adjust sharpen once.
Your all done, add your text and ©.
Thanks for trying my tut.
Kit Name: In All Simplicity by MLDesign, you can download this kit at
You can visit her blog here
Tube:Polka by Anna Liwanag, I purchased this tube at PTE, not sure where she is selling now.
Mask: Vix Big Masks2, mask number 19 download here
Template: by Designs by Ali, it's a halloween mask you can find it here on her blog.
Filters Used: Xero Porcelain (optional)
Font: Sylfaen, just google I'm sure you'll find it. White forground black background.
This tut assumes that you have a good working knowledge of PSP, I use version 9 but I'm sure this tut can be done in any version.
This tut is of my own creation, similarities to other tuts is coincidental.
sa-f-df = Select All, Float, Defolat.
sa-f-df-nl = Select All, Float, Defloat, New Layer.
sn = Select None
c/p = Copy & Paste
ds = Drop Shadow
See finished tag for placement of tube and elements.
This is a full sized kit, so you'll have to resize papers and elements, I'll give the resize settings as we go along.
Open tube, template and mask in PSP, duplicate the template and close the original.
Delete the following layers;DBA, Raster 5, and mask layer.
Let's begin
Go to Image, canvas size increase the size to 750x650.
Start by selecting the bottom layer of the template, add a new layer and flood fill white, Layers Arrange, Send To Bottom.
Open P06 and resize to 800x800 pixels, C/P P06 as new layer, apply the mask and merge group. Use your Move Tool (M) to center the mask layer in your image.
Select the Back Rectangle layer, sa-f-df, open P08 and resize to 800x800 pixels, c/p P08 as newlayer, selelctions invert and hit delete.
Add a drop shadow 2,2,34,6 to the Rectangle Frame layer.
Select the Small Side Frame layer, sa-f-df, open P14 and resize to 800x800 pixels, c/p P14 as a new layer, selections invert and hit delete,rename this layer paper14.
Add a drop shadow using the same settings to the Frames layer.
Select the Rectangle Frame layer again, using your magic wand select the top black square, c/p your close up, position, invert selections and hit delete.
Dupilcate this layer so that you have 3 total, position the other 2 layers in the frames and merge them into one tube layer.
Adjust, Hue and Saturation both settings at 0, apply Xero, Porcelain with green and red settings at 0 and blue at 255, add a ds.
C/P full size tube as new layer and position to the right.
Now for the elements,% and then 50%
Element 064 (black branch) resize 35
Element 092 (wordart) resize 35% and then again 30%, c/p as new layer, free rotate 90 to the Left.
Element 054 (Ribbon) resize 35 % and then again at 40%
Element 013 (stars) resisze35% and then 30%
Element 065 (leaves) resize 35% and then 60%
Element 07 (bow) resize 35% twice
Hide the white background and merge all layers. resize your image 80%, go to adjust sharpen once.
Your all done, add your text and ©.
Thanks for trying my tut.
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